Friday, 14 June 2013


A little break from the norm this week; amongst other things I've been working on, here's a 2010 "New Paradigm " Dalek Scientist. Just because I can really :D

Monday, 3 June 2013

By Fire & By Sword

Having studied the ECW for many years, Warlords' "Pike & Shotte" range is irresistable to me. Here's a few early shots...
A Leveller Mutineer

Saker Cannon
"Ironside" Cavalry

A sleeve of Shotte from Lilburne's Regiment of Foote

The Pike Block from Lilburne's Regiment of Foote

The Rgt. Hon. Oliver Cromwell

As ever, if anybody wants to commision me for any painting work, drop me an email at 

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Romani ite domum!

Warlord Games' Imperial Roman Legionaries.Bought on a whim, and painted using the "Army Painter" method, this lot are up for sale - £25 - message me for details. I also have anther unit armed with swords, plus a unit of Preatorian Guard for sale too, again £25 each.

Who do you think you are kidding, Mr Hitler...

Not normally an area I paint in, this WW2 British Tommy was painted as a gift. I particularly like the way the gun came out. As ever, if anybody wants to commision me for ANY miniature painting work, drop me an email....

Chaos Warriors

Here's a small selection from my old GW Warriors of Chaos army. All Khorne themed, and an absurd amount of red paint used.... Apologies about the basing on the Ogres, for some reason the PVA decided to curl up, shame.
These are all painted at "Tabletop" standard. If you're interested in having me paint for you, drop me an email at


My name is Adam, and I'm a 25 year old miniature painter from Suffolk. I accept freelance commisions on all types of minatures, historical, sci-fi or fantasy, in any scale. Email me at for any more information.
